Dear friends and partners,
We are pleased to welcome you to the start of yet another great quarter by the grace of God. As usual, we intend to spend the first month (July 07) raising the funds we need to execute our projects, and we are counting on your usual support and generosity. If you are convinced that together, we can heal Nigeria, and indeed the World, one child, one heart and one smile at a time. Then, please select the most convenient means of donating at the following link: http://www.unitedfo rkidsfoundation. org/support. htm.
We are pleased to announce that you can now send UKF your donations if you reside in Canada, please send your checks to: Olanrewaju Arikenbi at #130 - 1340 University Dr NW. Calgary AB. T2N 3Y7. If you are one of the busy ones in Nigeria that just cant get to the bank, our staff can come to your office to pick up your check, please send us an email: temitopef@yahoo. com and we will schedule a pick up.
We greatly appreciate your money, but equally value the time you spend joining our 'healing' visits to the orphanages and hospital, please make plans to join us. Our Q3-2007 schedule is now available at: http://www.unitedfo rkidsfoundation. org/events. htm, please come and bless the kids with your hugs and smiles.
Thank you very much and May God bless you.
UKF Trustees
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