Donations, hospital visit and the rest of 2007....
Dear Friends,
As we make our 'final descent' into the end of 2007, UKF will like to thank you for your support so far and ask for your help in making more dreams come true during the last days of 2007. As you know, we greatly appreciate your financial contributions, but perhaps what we need much more right now is your time to help us spend the money in the right places. If you can spare a couple of minutes to visit an orphanage, put together our Xmas/Eid Kabir parties or oversee a project in the public primary schools, please send us an email ( or
October 2007 IGH Visit:
Our first activity of the quarter took place at the Ikeja General Hospital last week Saturday (October 20th, 2007), members turn out was discouraging, but we thank Nini, Bimbo, Khadijah, Ngozi, Tope S, Amani and Ibraheem for consistently making it happen at IGH. As usual we distributed packs of supplies to children in Ayinke house and the general wards. We sponsored the medication of the following kids (through our partnership with Juli Pharmacy): AJAYI Michael (5 year with Osteomyelitics who needed antibiotics), NWOKIKIE Ezinne (4 months Old with Retroviral Infection, needed antibiotics) and Yussuf Sulaiman (12 year old with Meningitis, needed antibiotics).
Our monthly visit to IGH continues to be a humbling experience and our biggest opportunity to reach out and give hope to those who need it the most, please find time to join the remaining visits for 2007 coming up on November 17 and December 15 by God's grace.
Eid Kabir and Xmas Parties:
In addition to visiting the hospital, we also plan to hold our annual Xmas party for the children at Hearts of Gold Hospice in Surulere with the kids at the Lagos State Motherless Babies Home and the Children's Transit Home in attendance. We will also organize an Eid Kabir party at the Bab Es Salaam orphanage. Both parties are planned for the weekend of December 14th, please make plans to share love and blessings with the ones who need them most during these important times. We will send more details as we get closer.
State of the Schools:
A couple of weeks ago, we brought you stories/pictures from three public primary schools in Lagos, Nigeria (Adebule, Wesley and Wright schools) and mentioned our intention to make things better for the kids. With God on our side and the dedication of one of our most selfless members, Ibraheem, we have started working at Adebule Primary School. Ibraheem has taken time off his extremely busy schedule to meet with school officials, get plumbers/contractors and get work has started on the staff room and the water/sanitary system. As expected with Government run establishments in Nigeria, we are facing a lot of bureaucratic problems and the financial scope of the budget has increased by about N120,000 in the first week alone. However, we are trying to stay focused on the end goal, which is making the children more comfortable.
We have the financial resources to do more at Adebule and also start working at Wesley/Wright schools, but we lack the human resources to help us oversee the work there, so if you can spare an hour or two any day, please let us know and we will work something out for these kids together.
We thank God for bringing you into our lives and for giving us the opportunity to be 'there' for those who don't have as much as we do. May God forgive our shortcomings bless us all!
Thank you!